VIR Turn 14 Pano 03 … evening

Posted in Flagging, panorama, Racin, VIR on February 6th, 2009 by Mo

VIR Turn 14 Pano 03 ... early afternoonVIR Turn 14 … in the early evening … HOT! …  the drivers will find the flaggers lurking in the  minimal shadows offered, but we’ll jump out when needed.

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VIR Turn 14 Pano 02 … afternoon

Posted in Flagging, panorama, Racin, VIR on February 6th, 2009 by Mo

VIR Turn 14 Pano 02 ... early afternoonVIR Turn 14 … in the early afternoon … cool …  the flags are highlighted in the sun. Drivers are warned of trouble downstream, around the blind turn.

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VIR Turn 14 Pano 01

Posted in Flagging, panorama, Racin, VIR on February 6th, 2009 by Mo

VIR Turn 14 PanoVIR Turn 14. This is the second roller coaster complex. When I first saw it I said Laguna Seca!!! … but then VIR has an advantage over Laguna Seca … it’s only 65 miles from my house! A blind turn coming off the lonnggg backstretch. YeeHa!!!!

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